JUN 23 OCT 01
Entre tempo deals with the transient time spanning between the perception of vision and the spectral configuration of reality — an indeterminate, symbolic period that cannot be measured but through its qualities. Lines fluently clustering and breaking in fluid conventions. An intuitively perceptible order showing itself at intervals of visibility, through the constructive acceleration produced by staging a theatrical gesture. It is the time of a brief glance, before the moment when thought brings order to what has been captured by the senses.
Through that transition, the invisible coherence of the elements is transformed at an eloquent, evocative bodily pace, which repeats itself by a sequence of choreographed movements and is reconfigured in the fluidity of time and space, while dematerialising the roughness of the material in order to foreground the poetics of movement in a lyrical and timeless dimension.
Guided tour through the sculpture park: 2-hour-long tour through the most representative pieces contained in the Santo Tirso International Museum of Contemporary Sculpture.
Art-Archaeology-Architecture guided tour: Engaging tour to highlight and provide deeper understanding of the collections contained in the two museums, exploring the intersections of different fields, from contemporary art to archaeology and architecture.
Sculpture Workshop for School Students “Get Moving”
Target audience: Preschoolers, and students up to the age of 15 / Group size: 15 to 20 participants / Duration: 1h30m / Place: Educational Services Room at MIEC / Dates: June to September 2017
Sculpture Workshop for School Students “Shadow Play”
Target audience: Secondary school students / Group size: 25 to 30 participants / Duration: 1h30m / Place: Educational Services Room at MIEC / Dates: June to September 2017
Archaeology Workshop for Families “Rock by Rock”
Target audience: Families / Group size: 15 to 20 participants at a time / Duration: Variable / Place: Auditorium of the Abade Pedrosa Municipal Museum /Dates: 22 July and 16 September 2017
Archaeology Workshop for School Students “Shaping History”
Target audience: Preschoolers, and students up to the age of 10 / Group size: 25 to 30 participants / Duration: 1h15m / Place: Auditorium of the Abade Pedrosa Municipal Museum / Dates: June to September 2017
Visit “Robert Schad Tour”
Target audience: General public / Group size: 20 to 25 participants / Duration: 1 day / Place: Santo Tirso and Vila Nova de Cerveira / Date: 15 July 2017 Programme: Meeting at the Headquarter of Santo Tirso International Museum of Contemporary Sculpture / Robert Schad’s “Percurso Lusitano” in Santo Tirso / Departure for Vila Nova de Cerveira / Pieces of Robert Schad’s “Percurso Lusitano” displayed in Vila Nova de Cerveira (“Volok”; “Enfime”; “HAN”) / Lunch / XIX International Art Biennale of Vila Nova de Cerveira / Return to Santo Tirso.
Art-Archaeology-Architecture visit “Alberto Carneiro Tour”
Target audience: General public / Group size: 20 to 25 participants / Duration: 1 day / Place: Carrazeda de Ansiães / Date: 23 September 2017 Programme: Meeting at the Headquarte of Santo Tirso International Museum of Contemporary Sculpture / Departure for Carrazeda de Ansiães / Carrazeda de Ansiães International Sculpture Park / Alberto Carneiro Gallery / Interpretive Centre of Castelo de Ansiães (CICA) / Lunch / Ansiães Castle and Walled Village, and ruins of the Church of S. Salvador de Ansiães / Ruins of the Church of S. João Baptista / Return to Santo Tirso.
Booking in advance / museus@cm-stirso.pt / 252830410 / Maximum group size: 25 people