This exhibition invites the visitor to participate in a dialogue between two apparently distant objects: a grain threshing rail, an agricultural object from the end of the 19th century, and an artistic object inspired by the work of Alberto Carneiro between 1973/76, entitled “A field after the harvest for the aesthetic delight of our body”. This installation was created as a spatial involvement so that, more than seeing it, we can feel it. It is about perceiving a game of sensations, both physical and mental, to experience its aesthetic dimension. For Alberto Carneiro, and also for us, in both rural and artistic work, phenomena of proximity occur. Each one will promote sowing and harvesting, as well as crossing new perceptual and affective fields, equally valuable. This game now extends to everyone experimenting in their own time and sensitivity. This encounter thus expands the symbolic fields to the planes of sensations, without resorting to discursive bipolarity, the splitting or fusion of worlds, but presenting a question that makes us think. The crops of our time, where will they be?


Ficha técnica

Equipa Curatorial| Álvaro Moreira, Jorge da Costa e Virgínia Mota Coordenação| Amândio Felício Conservação| Georgina Pinto Pessoa Apoio à Produção | Carla Martins, Helena Gomes, Sofia Carneiro, Tânia Pereira, Virgínia Mota e Vítor Pereira Coprodução| Museu do Abade de Baçal / Direção Regional de Cultura do Norte Colaboração| Associação Cultural e Ambiental de Palácios Apoio| União das Freguesias de Sé, Santa Maria e Meixedo


MAR 28  SEP 22